To shed light on an emerging private rental housing market, the project titled “Understanding tenants and landlords in Romania”, ethically approved by the University of Bucharest, invited the public to contemplate the notion of the 'Ideal Rented Property.' Although...
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The Ideal Landlord
To draw attention to an emerging private rental housing market, the project titled “Understanding tenants and landlords in Romania”, ethically approved by the University of Bucharest, invited the public to reflect on the idea of the ‘Ideal Landlord’. I warmly thank...
The Ideal Tenant
To draw attention to an emerging private rental housing market, the project titled “Understanding tenants and landlords in Romania”, ethically approved by the University of Bucharest, invited the public to reflect on the idea of the ‘Ideal Tenant’. I warmly thank the 18 contributors (homeowners, tenants and landlords) as speaking publicly is an act of courage.
Innovating to improve access to advice for renters
In this blog, Jennifer Harris looks at how new UK-wide research highlights examples of how services are adapting to improve access to advice and information for people living in the private rented sector. This is part of a wider programme of work funded by TDS Charitable Foundation and Safe Deposits Scotland Charitable Trust.
The Role of PRS Landlords in Making a Rented House a Home
Steve Rolfe and Kim McKee (University of Stirling) present an overview of a new research report which considers what landlords can do to make their tenants feel more at home in the PRS.
Stories from lockdown: interviews show how poor housing quality made life even more tough
People told us about leaking roofs and guttering, and about how water coming into their housing had caused internal damage, damp and mould.
What is the likely impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the UK Private Rented Sector?
Dr Tom Simcock shares initial thoughts on the likely effects of COVID-19 on private rented sector tenants and landlords in England and discusses the potential effectiveness of the government’s response.
The side effects of the suspension of possession claims in response to the Covid-19 crisis
Ben Reeve-Lewis from Safer Renting shares initial experiences since the announcement of the emergency freeze to evictions.
The Professionalisation of Short-Term Letting in London
In this blog, Dr Tom Simcock draws upon his HSA conference paper to examine the professionalisation of ‘home-sharing’ on new online platforms such as Airbnb.
Housing benefit freeze still driving tenants from their homes, despite Universal Credit reforms
The government has had to rethink its roll-out of Universal Credit – but small tweaks to the system won’t prevent people on housing benefit from being evicted.