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Innovating to improve access to advice for renters

Innovating to improve access to advice for renters

In this blog, Jennifer Harris looks at how new UK-wide research highlights examples of how services are adapting to improve access to advice and information for people living in the private rented sector. This is part of a wider programme of work funded by TDS Charitable Foundation and Safe Deposits Scotland Charitable Trust.

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A new beginning

A new beginning

Welcome to the new website of Renting Evidence, a community of researchers, stakeholders and policymakers committed to improving the quality of evidence available on rental sectors. We seek to share knowledge across professional boundaries to support evidence-informed policy and practice.

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Special E-Event: Private renting in a time of crisis

Special E-Event: Private renting in a time of crisis

We will be holding a special e-conference entitled ‘Private renting in a time of crisis’ on Thursday 18th June. It is a timely opportunity to reflect on the issues that have dominated the PRS literature to date, the PRS in the context of Covid-19, and what the implications of these are for the future.

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