Webinar: Institutional landlords and the financialization of housing: evidence from leading North American researchers

by | Nov 25, 2021 | Events

The UCD School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice with the UCD Equality Studies Centre are holding a webinar entitled Institutional landlords and the financialization of housing: evidence from leading North American researchers on Wednesday December 8th at 2pm.

This webinar is organized by Dr. Michael Byrne in collaboration with the Equality Studies Centre and the School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice, UCD.

Webinar Theme

The rapid growth of institutional landlords has been one of the most remarkable, and controversial, features of Irish housing in recent years. As in other countries, however, there is increasing concern around the impact of institutional landlords on many aspects of the housing system, including the affordability of rents and declining homeownership. In the Irish case, however, the available evidence is limited. This seminar brings together leading researchers from North America to share insights based on empirical research in that context. Institutional landlords have expanded rapidly in the US and Canada in the wake of the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, raising a host of political and policy questions which have strong parallels with the Irish experience. The focus in this seminar is on understanding the impact of this example of ‘financialization 2.0’ in terms of housing, particularly with regard to the experiences of tenants and residents.

The Speakers

The Webinar will include the following speakers:

  1. Dr. Elora Lee Raymond, School of City and Regional Planning, Georgia Institute of Technology
  2. Dr. Martine August, School of Planning, University of Waterloo, Ontario
  3. Henry Gomory, Department of Sociology, Princeton University

Register for the webinar

Institutional landlords and the financialization of housing: evidence from leading North American researchers research seminar will be held on Wednesday December 8th, at 2pm.

Contact the organisers

If you have any queries in advance of the event please contact Mick Byrne.

By Tom Simcock

Dr Tom Simcock is a Research Fellow at Edge Hill University and Chair of Renting Evidence. He is an applied psychologist, with a keen interest in the application of psychological theory in housing, especially the intersection between housing and work. Tom's research on the private rented sector has focussed on regulatory reform, welfare reforms including Universal Credit, and short-term letting. Tom regularly provides input to policy makers, and recently gave evidence to the Welsh Parliament.

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