Call for papers: HSA 2021 Conference – Preparing for the future and learning from the past

by | Jan 11, 2021 | News

The Housing Studies Association has launched a call for papers for the upcoming HSA Annual Conference 2021 ‘Preparing for the future and learning from the past‘.

How to get involved

You can be involved in three different types of session (see further details below):

  • Present at a Paper session (Be one of 3 presenters in a session, for 10-15mins each and individual presentation questions)
  • Present at a Lightning session (Be one of 5-8 presenters in a session, for 3-5 mins each and group discussion)
  • Organise a Panel session (Choose a theme of your own choice and organise a format and panellists to create a bespoke session)

The closing date for submitting abstracts is 12 February 2021. Abstract submission is via the form below. When completing this, please select on the form your preference for session type. If you wish to submit more than one abstract then you should complete a separate form for each.

New to HSA? We offer a range of membership options for discounted conference rates – find out how to become a member here.

For any conference-related queries, please email the conference organisers (Regina Serpa, Richard Dunning and Ian Wilson) at

Details of conference sessions

Paper Session

  • A paper session includes a series of individual presentations followed by discussion.
  • 60 minute session, 10-15 minutes per presentation
  • Maximum of 3 presenters per session
  • An abstract for each presenter is required (max 200 words) and should be submitted on an individual basis

Lightning Paper Session

  • The lightning paper session is a larger group of short presentations. These papers can be on methods, summarise research or pose a significant question for housing studies. These provocations will then be discussed collectively.
  • 5-8 presentations per session
  • 3-5 minute presentation for each
  • 30 minute interactive roundtable discussion following presentations
  • Maximum of 5 PowerPoint slides per presentation
  • An abstract for each presenter is required (max 200 words) and should be submitted on an individual basis

Panel Session

  • A panel session consists of participants examining a topic followed by questions from audience members. Organising a panel session provides presenters with a forum to explore a specific area of interest within the broader theme – and is a great opportunity for Early Career Researchers to demonstrate research leadership.
  • 60 minute session
  • An abstract for the panel session is required by the session organiser (max 200 words) including the format that you will take and named panellists

To submit a paper or idea for a session, please visit the Housing Studies Association call for papers.

By Tom Simcock

Dr Tom Simcock is a Research Fellow at Edge Hill University and Chair of Renting Evidence. He is an applied psychologist, with a keen interest in the application of psychological theory in housing, especially the intersection between housing and work. Tom's research on the private rented sector has focussed on regulatory reform, welfare reforms including Universal Credit, and short-term letting. Tom regularly provides input to policy makers, and recently gave evidence to the Welsh Parliament.

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