Special E-Event: Private renting in a time of crisis

by | Jun 10, 2020 | News

We are very pleased to announce a special e-conference entitled ‘Private renting in a time of crisis‘ on Thursday 18th June 2020. It is a timely opportunity to reflect on the issues that have dominated the PRS literature to date, the PRS in the context of Covid-19, and what the implications of these are for the future. 

We have an excellent line up of speakers already confirmed, with more to announce in due course.

For our e-event, we thought we would do something different, we have asked all speakers to pre-record their papers/sessions to enable attendees to watch and listen at their own pace and provide the opportunity for future engagement with the research.

We will further have two live sessions (tbc) where you will be able to ask questions and engage in friendly discussion with the speakers. 

To access the e-event, please visit the event page here: https://blogs.edgehill.ac.uk/en4r/events/private-renting-in-a-time-of-crisis/

Confirmed keynotes:

  • Dr Kim McKee (University of Stirling)

Confirmed speakers:

  • Dr Amy Clair (University of Essex)
  • Prof. Ken Gibb (CaCHE – University of Glasgow)
  • Dr Jennifer Harris (CaCHE – University of Bristol)
  • Dr Tola Amodu (University of East Anglia)
  • Martin Farley (Green Party)
  • ‘In conversation’ with Dr Adriana Soaita & Dr Craig Gurney (University of Glasgow)
  • Dr Dallas Rodgers & Dr Laurence Troy (University of Sydney)
  • Dr Susan Aktemel (Homes for Good)
  • Sarah Rowe & Chris Hancock (Crisis)

As well as the pre-recorded presentations from speakers, we will be holding two live sessions for attendees to discuss the papers and ask presenters questions on their topics.

Session 1 – 10.30am – 11.30am: Dr Kim McKee, Prof. Ken Gibb, Dr Amy Clair, & Martin Farley 

Session 2 – 2.00pm – 3.00pm: Dr Susan Aktemel, Dr Tola Amodu, Dr Jennifer Harris, Dr Adriana Soaita, & Dr Craig Gurney

Only those who have registered for the event will have access to the link for the sessions. 

By Tom Simcock

Dr Tom Simcock is a Research Fellow at Edge Hill University and Chair of Renting Evidence. He is an applied psychologist, with a keen interest in the application of psychological theory in housing, especially the intersection between housing and work. Tom's research on the private rented sector has focussed on regulatory reform, welfare reforms including Universal Credit, and short-term letting. Tom regularly provides input to policy makers, and recently gave evidence to the Welsh Parliament.

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